Principles of Conduct

Principles of Conduct

I. Expressing Different Points of View:

A major component of an academic environment is having the opportunity to share your ideas and views on various topics from an academic and philosophical framework. It is common to find others with different points of view. This is one of the benefits of being in an academic setting—being exposed to varying opinions and viewpoints. In expressing an opposing opinion or disagreeing with another person's perspective, students, faculty, and staff should conduct themselves with respect for other people's beliefs and ideas. Generating a lively discussion is expected in many classes. However, acting in a hostile manner or creating a negative environment for others should be avoided. Despite differences of opinion, we should interact with one another in a way that shows we value mutual respect, equality, and dignity.

II. Academic Integrity/Plagiarism:

Upholding your own personal integrity should be sufficient assurance that in academic matters, including research and field experience, you complete your own work without unauthorized assistance from any other source. All students are expected to abide by the KSU Honor Pledge System that states:

"On my honor, as a student, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this academic work."

The KSU Honor System presumes that all work, submitted as part of academic requirements, is the product of the student submitting it unless credit is given with proper citations, or as prescribed by the course instructor or major professor. The highest standards of professional integrity in research and scholarship are expected from everyone. It is YOUR responsibility for adherence to these standards. It is also the role of advisors, mentors, and the academic community at large to foster an environment that actively discourages improper practices and conduct.

III. Physical, Sexual, and Emotional Harassment:

Any form of harassment or bullying of others in the academic environment will not be tolerated, which includes forms of intimidation, exposure to vulgar or explicit language or behaviors, or abusive behaviors directed at another person. If you experience such behavior directly or if you witness someone else being harassed, you should report this to your advisor, department head, supervisor, or the Dean's Office.

IV. Promoting a Culture of Civility:

It is our goal in the College of Health and Human Sciences and K-State to create a culture that is respectful and courteous of students, faculty, staff, and others with whom we interact. Our success is intertwined, and having a positive academic environment promotes success for all. Common courtesy and respect of others includes listening when others are speaking. You should engage in behaviors that promote the group's goal or purpose rather than distract from the group. Everyone is more productive when all are engaged in learning activities together. If disagreements or you are not satisfied with the way things are going, discuss your feelings with the individual directly or address it with a supervisor or administrator, rather than in a public forum.

V. Phone and Computer Etiquette, Including Cell Phones and Texting:

Ringing cell phones and texting in class, meetings, or work settings is a distraction to everyone. Students, faculty, and staff must refrain from using cell phones in classes, meetings or any kind of formal gathering. Laptop computers should only be used for class-related purposes (e.g., note taking, meeting minutes), not to check e-mail, conduct internet searches, or other non-class related activities.

Please turn phones off prior to entering these settings as a courtesy to faculty and your peers. In certain emergency situations when it may be necessary to be available by phone (e.g., if you have an ill child or are expecting a critical call from your employer), you should:

  • inform the instructor or the person in charge of the meeting,
  • turn your phone to silent or vibrate mode, and
  • leave the room to conduct your phone call when it comes through. Be sure to move away from the doorway to a private place so your conversation does not disturb those in the class or meeting.