Clinical Placements
PA Clinical Placements
K-State has developed a variety of clinical placements for students to experience a wide range of clinical training. Five-week clinical rotation training occurs through the following courses: Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Women’s Health, Pediatric Medicine, General Surgery, Behavioral Medicine, Geriatric Medicine, and Orthopedics.
Students will complete one elective clinical training experience. This can occur in traditional clinical settings or focus on other areas such as health care leadership, professional development, research, forensics, disaster medicine, academic medicine and military medicine.
The clinical team is actively seeking out additional partnerships with hospitals, clinics and medical providers in Kansas. PA students are not required to provide or solicit clinical sites or preceptors. The PA program will coordinate clinical site and preceptor placement for required rotations based on the education needs of the student.
International Elective Rotation
As an option for the elective clinical rotation (PAS 892), PA students may choose an international experience in Paraguay or Guatemala. The purpose of these international clinical electives is to expand the global mindset of our students and provide care for the medically underserved which is part of our program's mission. Furthermore, this elective experience is a great opportunity for students to immerse themselves in a different culture and better understand the challenges of providing medical care to diverse populations and how culture, religion, economics, and law affect the delivery of health care. It will also sharpen their medical Spanish skills. To be eligible for this rotation, interested students must be in good academic standing with the program and secure a recommendation from an advisor. The student MUST attend an information session on International Elective rotations and submit an application through the University's Study Abroad program in order to be selected for this rotation.
While on their international rotation, students can expect to perform clinical duties as assigned by their preceptor from 8:00am-5:00pm with a scheduled lunch break on Mon, Tues, Wed, and Friday. On Thursday afternoons, students will be allotted time for further study of their Medical Spanish or preparation for the PANCE. Students will have their weekends free to explore (at their own expense) and study. The fees for the International Elective are estimated to be $3,000 which will be included as part of their financial aid package request. Students will be eligible to compete for Study Abroad scholarships granted through the K-State Foundation to select students.
Physician Assistant Program
Kansas State University
102 Mary & Carl Ice Hall
1310 Research Park Dr
Manhattan, KS 66502
785-532-1905 fax