We Want to Hear From You

The strategic planning process for the College of Health and Human Sciences (HHS) would not be possible without the insight and input of the voices that make up the college. That’s why this planning process is a stakeholder-driven effort designed to heavily focus on engaging all students, faculty, staff, alumni, and other integral members of the HHS community.

Throughout this process, we will conduct anonymous interviews, surveys, listening sessions, and focus groups with the HHS community. We strongly encourage you to respond to any requests for your participation. Your feedback is essential to how we set our future vision, goals, priorities, and strategies for success.

Submit Comments

To make remarks surrounding the strategic planning process, please fill out the comment form below, reach out to a member of the Steering Committee, or contact our third-party strategic plan consulting team from Emergent Method.


Additional Comments

Please provide your comments or suggestions here:

Your submitted comments will be sent to Emergent Method, our partners and facilitators in this process.




Faculty and Staff Survey (October 2023)

As part of this process, HHS faculty and staff were surveyed in October 2023 to gather feedback and suggestions related to the college’s organization and strategic planning. View the compiled survey report (pdf).

December 11, 2023 Meeting materials

eID login required:
PowerPoint presentation (pdf)
Recorded Zoom session (mp4) (large video file)

May 8, 2024 School Meetings

eID login required, recorded Zoom meetings (large files):
Consumer Sciences (mp4)
Health Sciences (mp4)
Human Sciences (mp4)