Kansas FCCLA

The website is in a transition process. If you are unable to find what you need, please email the state adviser.


FCCLA is the only in-school student organization with the family as its central focus. FCCLA is a vocational student organization that functions as an integral part of the Family and Consumer Sciences education curriculum and operates within the school system, and it provides opportunities for active student participation at local, state, and national levels.

The location of the state FCCLA office has changed!

Kansas FCCLA
Shandi Andres
Kansas FCCLA State Adviser
236B Justin Hall
1324 Lovers Lane
Manhattan, KS 66506
Office # (785) 532-5511


looking good in red fccla letter


To learn more about our organization and National Programs, visit the About FCCLA page.

For links to the FCCLA Portal, Post-Secondary information, and affilation, visit the JOIN page.

For information about Leadership within Kansas FCCLA, visit the LEADERSHIP page.
(State Officers, District Officers, Peer Education, SEAC, Board of Directors, State Adviser)

For information about Kansas FCCLA events, visit the ATTEND page.
(Take AIM, District events, State Officer & Peer Ed Selection, State Leadership Conference, National Leadership Conference)

For awards & scholarship information, visit the RECOGNITION page.

Resources for advisers, chapter, districts, and Calendar & Dates can be found on the RESOURCES page.

Partners organization of Kansas FCCLA, visit their pages to learn more.
Alumni & Associates
Kansas FCCLA Educational Foundation

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