Lilit Khachatryan

Home Country Lilit Khachatryan

What I like most about the Apparel and Textiles Graduate Program

  • The professors in the ATID department are extremely well prepared and very knowledgeable about all the subjects related to apparel and textiles. They are always very approachable and are happy to give detailed, exhausting and very satisfying answers to all of our questions. Just as significantly, they make us feel like a part of a family.
  • Our Graduate Program is a great place to learn about all the aspects of Apparel and Textiles. The numerous classes cover a variety of topics ranging from the atomic and chemical structure of the fibers, to the structure and characteristics of the global supply chain of apparel industry. I was particularly glad to learn about sustainability issues arising in the apparel industry – a topic about which I knew very little before coming to K-State.
  • Classes are designed to prepare students for getting and succeeding in an industry job as well as in academia. Since I entered the program, I felt that every day I was given new knowledge which would help me face any job in Apparel and Textiles with confidence.
  • Opportunities for being GTA or GRA. Being a teaching or research assistant is a very important experience. Teaching assistants learn how to deal with students, how to answer their questions and sometimes even how to conduct a lecture or give a presentation about a topic in Apparel and Textiles.
  • Each year the department organizes symposiums, which give students great networking opportunities. We are able to introduce ourselves to employees from different organizations and companies in a rather informal setting. During the symposium the students get invaluable advice and opinions from employees and industry leaders on what to work on, how to build their resumes, how and what to say during interviews.
  • Opportunities for getting leadership skills. Use our skills and talents to create different items and sell them to raise Graduate Students fund to support research projects as well as travel grants.