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College of Health and Human Sciences

External Funding Awards

Previous Years: 20182017 | 2016 | 2015

Fiscal Year 2019 Research Awards:

Ade, Carl (KINES). Omics and Biochemical Markers of Cardiovascular and Bone Health: Relationship with Bedrest and Standard Physiological Measures. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, $50,535.

Baptist, Joyce (FSHS). Treating Suicidal Drivers with EMDR Therapy: A Randomized Controlled Trial. EMDR Research Foundation, $25,000.

Besenyi, Gina M. (KINES). eCPAT: Advancing Public Park Information and Technology Resources to Diverse Audiences for Healthy Communities.U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, $28,991.

Butler, Meredith A. (FSHS). 4-H Military Partnerships and Outreach Support Program. U.S. Department of Agriculture, $2,688,210.

Butler, Meredith A. (FSHS). CYFAR 4-H Military Partnership Professional Development and Technical Assistance Program. U.S. Department of Agriculture, $500,000.

Colburn, Trenton D. (KINES), Musch, Timothy I. (KINES), and Poole, David C. (KINES). Sexual Dimorphism in the Physiological Function of KATP Channels (Trenton Colburn). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, $16,424.

Copp, Steven (KINES), Ade, Carl (KINES), and Musch, Timothy I. (KINES). Exercise Pressor Reflex Dysfunction in Heart Failure: Mechanisms and Treatment. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, $299,239.

Doll, Gayle (DHHS) and Kaup, Migette L. (ATID). PEAK 2.0 Evaluation. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, $292,332.

Durtschi, Jared A. (FSHS). Determining Functional Components of an Evidence-Based Parenting Intervention. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, $6,000.

Fees, Bronwyn S. (DHHS). Early Childhood Workforce Development Grant. Kansas Child Care Training Opportunities, Inc, $1,977,450.

Fees, Bronwyn S. (DHHS). Kansas Child Care Training Opportunities. Kansas Child Care Training Opportunities, Inc, $237,600.

Fees, Bronwyn S. (DHHS). KCCTO - Statewide Infant – Toddler Specialist Network. Kansas Department for Children and Families, $315,377.

Harvey, Jagger J. (Dean of Agriculture and Director of AES), Campabadal Teran, Carlos (Grain Science and Industry), Ulmer, Jonathan (Communications and Agricultural Education), Bhadriraju, Subramanyam (Grain Science and Industry), Lilja, Nina K. (International Agricultural Programs), Leslie, John F. (Plant Pathology), and Lindshield, Brian L. (Food, Nutrition, Dietetics and Health). Feed the Future Innovation Lab for the Reduction of Post-Harvest Loss. U.S. Agency for International Development, $445,762.

Heinrich, Katie M. (KINES) and Harms, Craig A. (KINES). HIFT for Obesity Prevention, Fitness and Health Promotion in Military Personnel. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, $462,454.

Jager, Shanna K. (FSHS). Technical Support for the Department for Children and Families Strategic Development, Faith-Based and Community Initiative. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, $576,187.

Jager, Shanna K. (FSHS). Technical Support for the Department for Children and Families Strategic Development, Faith-Based and Community Initiative.U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, $477,144.

Jang, Jichul (HM). Safe and Healthy Sushi Cooking for Elderly People (Hyunghwa Oh). Kansas State University Foundation, $3,500.

Kidd, Tandalayo (FNDH). "Get Fruved:" A Peer-Led, Train-the-Trainer Social Marketing Intervention to Increase Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Prevent Childhood Obesity. U.S. Department of Agriculture, $51,518.

Kiss, D. Elizabeth (FSHS). Integrating and Sustaining Financial Capability Services in Rural Healthcare Delivery. US Department of Agriculture, $5,000.

Kliewer, Brandon W. (School of Leadership Studies), Besenyi, Gina M. (KINES), and Heinrich, Katie M. (KINES). Manhattan, Kansas Bike-Ped Systems Plan Public Engagement Project. Engagement Scholarship Consortium, $4,160.

Koppel, Kadri (FNDH). Descriptive Analysis of Dog Treats. JM Smucker Company, $6,000.

Koppel, Kadri (FNDH). Dog Preference Testing. Kemin Industries, $35,000.

Koppel, Kadri (FNDH). Service Agreement: Pet Food Lexicon Development and Validation. Nestlé Purina PetCare Global Resources, Inc., $35,000.

Pacinelli, Lauren E. (FNDH) and Thiele, Ryan (FNDH). Effect of Low-Load Low-Intensity Training with Blood Flow Restriction on the Triceps Surae and Achilles Tendon. Mid-America Athletic Trainers' Association (MAATA), $2,000.

Roberts, Kevin R. (HM), Sauer, Kevin L. (FNDH), and Shanklin, Carol W. (Dean of Graduate School). Center for Food Safety in Child Nutrition Programs. U.S. Department of Agriculture, $290,865.

Rosenkranz, Richard R. (FNDH). Dissemination of the Evidence-Based SWITCH Program for Childhood Obesity Prevention. U.S. Department of Agriculture, $22,663.

Rosenkranz, Richard R. (FNDH). Whole-of-Community Systems Intervention for Youth Population Physical Activity. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, $14,744.

Rosenkranz, Sara (FNDH) and Ade, Carl (KINES). Integrated Cardiovascular and Metabolic Effects of Strawberry Consumption in Overweight and Obese Individuals. California Strawberry Commission, $71,341.

Rosenkranz, Sara (FNDH), Buckwalter, John (DHHS), and Cortez, Anita R. (Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies), Kansas Bridges to the Future. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, $266,682.

Rosenkranz, Sara (FNDH) and Haub, Mark D. (FNDH). Determining the Impact of Meal Replacement Products on Human Blood Glucose Levels. Isagenix International, LLC, $3,098.

Rosenkranz, Sara (FNDH) and Haub, Mark D. (FNDH). Glycemic and Insulinemic Response to Nutritional Bars With or Without Added Fibersym RW. MGP Ingredients, Inc., $39,776.

Stith, Sandra M. (FSHS) and Anderson, Jared R. (FSHS). KSU/USAF 2017 FAP Research Project. U.S. Department of Agriculture, $2,511,596.

Swaney-Stueve, Marianne (FNDH). Small and Toy Consumer Research Proposal. Hill's Pet Nutrition, Inc., $52,500.

Swaney-Stueve, Marianne (FNDH). Toy Dog Kibble Optimization Study. Hill's Pet Nutrition, Inc., $24,190.

Swaney-Stueve, Marianne (FNDH), Koppel, Kadri (FNDH), and Talavera, Martin (FNDH). Assessment of Teen Stress Behavior and its Relation to Health. Garmin International, Inc., $28,690.

Syme, Maggie L. (DHHS) and Doll, Gayle (DHHS). Resident and Institutional Outcomes of Person Centered Care: A Longitudinal Evaluation of the Promoting Excellent Alternative in Kansas Nursing Homes. Patrick and Catherine Weldon Donaghue Medical Research Fund, $130,838.

Toews, Michelle L. (DHHS), Vennum, Amber (FSHS), and Johannes, Elaine M. (FSHS). Healthy REWARDS (Relationships, Expectations, Willpower, Aspirations, Reactions, Decisions, Self-esteem): An Evidence-Based Approach to Sexual Risk Avoidance. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, $414,302.

Toews, Michelle L. (DHHS). Strengthening Relationships/Strengthening Families (SR/SF). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, $106,632.

Wang, Weiqun (George) (FNDH). Determining the Bioavailability of Sorghum Phenolic Compounds.U.S. Department of Agriculture, $56,984.

White, Bradley J., (Dean of Veterinary Medical Center), Dollarhide, Patricia J. (Dean of Veterinary Medical Center), Kwon, Junehee (HM), and LeHew, Melody L. A. (ATID). Connecting Supply Chain Through Sustainability: Initiating A Multi-Disciplinary Multi-Industry Approach Using the Case of Beef Cattle. U.S. Department of Agriculture, $30,000.

Williams, Jeffrey (FNDH) and Thiele, Ryan (FNDH). The Effects of Aerobic Exercise and Peristaltic Pulse Compression on Neuromuscular Performance Following Exercise-induced Muscle Damage. Mid-America Athletic Trainers' Association (MAATA), $2,000.

Williams, L. Susan (Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work), Paul, Gregory (Communication Studies), Johannes, Elaine M. (FSHS), and Chladny, Bruce A. (County Agents - Metropolitan Sector). The Comprehensive Strategy: Developing a Community Approach to Local Juvenile Justice Initiatives. U.S. Department of Justice, $521,804.

Wu, Yingying (ATID). Gneiss Concepts, LLC, $5,000.

ATID: Apparel, Textiles, and Interior Design
DHHS: Dean of Health and Human Sciences
FNDH: Food, Nutrition, Dietetics, and Health
FSHS: Family Studies and Human Services
HM: Hospitality Management
KINES: Kinesiology