Kari Morgan

Kari Morgan

Teaching Associate Professor

Contact Information

314 Justin Hall


  • Ph.D., Child and Family Studies, University of Wisconsin - Madison
  • M.S., Family and Community Development, University of Maryland
  • B.S., Home Economics/Child & Family Studies, University of Wyoming

Area(s) of Specialization

  • Undergraduate Education & Pedagogy
  • Family & Consumer Sciences
  • Well-Being
  • Experiential Learning

Research, Scholarship, and Creative Endeavors

Morgan, K., Markham, M.S., Jackson, G.J.**, Luinstra, A.**, & Toews, M.L. (2023). Pathways and Barriers to Engagement in Undergraduate Research in Human Development & Family Science. Family Science Review, 27.

Morgan, K. (2018). Using stories to teach ethics in family science. Family Science Review, 22, 21-33.

Bice-Wigington, T., & Morgan, K. (2018). Teaching note- diversity and difference through a rural lens. Journal of Social Work Education, 54, 392-396.

Morgan, K., Jackson, C.**, Reeves, M.**, & Reeves Valadez, C.E.** (2017).I Just Realized”… How human ecology students choose a major. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 45, 245-265.

** Undergraduate student

Courses Taught

  • HHS 100: You & Community+
  • HHS 101: Introduction to Well-being+
  • GNHE 210: Foundations of Human Ecology+
  • GHNE 310: Human Needs
  • IHS 110: Introduction to Integrative Human Sciences
  • IHS 310: Foundations of IHS
  • IHS 99: IHS Applied Learning Orientation
  • IHS 400: IHS Internship
  • IHS 410: Integrative Human Sciences Seminar
  • HDFS 102: Careers in Human Development & Family Science+
  • HDFS 579: HDFS Internship Orientation+
  • HDFS 580: HDFS Internship
  • HDFS 590: Capstone Experience in Family Studies & Human Sciences+
  • HDFS 825: Family Resource Management*
  • HDFS 852: Family Theories
  • HDFS 500/860: Family Policy+
  • HDFS 898: Professional and Ethical Issues in Applied Family Science

*Course is taught online, + Course is taught online and on campus

Professional Biography

Dr. Kari Morgan is a Teaching Associate Professor at Kansas State University. She serves as the program chair of the Integrative Human Sciences Unit and Family and Community Services graduate program, coordinator of the Health and Human Sciences Well-Being courses, and an instructor of multiple courses across the College of Health and Human Sciences.

Dr. Morgan’s academic and professional career has focused on teaching, research, and application in human sciences. Her experience includes working at the United States Department of Agriculture at the Family Economics Research Group and with Cooperative Extension; serving as an Infant Development Specialist with the University of Wisconsin Extension; working with state-level Family Impact Seminars; and serving as an educator at the University of Wisconsin, University of Wyoming, and Kansas State University. Kari has served on State and community boards focused on family and human sciences, and actively volunteers in her community.

Dr. Morgan has been teaching on campus and through distance education for more than 20 years. She enjoys engaging with students using evidence-based, inclusive, high-quality teaching practices. She believes that teaching should be relevant, research-based, and grounded in principles of mutual respect and relationship. Dr. Morgan’s current teaching focuses on well-being, family resource management, and career and professional preparation of undergraduate students.

Personal Information

Kari and her husband, Chris Spooner, are the parents of two adult daughters. In their spare time, they enjoy attending events at K-State (especially baseball and volleyball); walking and biking; and traveling. They are also active members of several community organizations.

Vita (pdf)