Getting a Job

Job Opportunities

Are there job openings for Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) teachers?

FCS Education graduates with teaching certificates have a 100 percent job opportunity.

Supply and Demand

How many job openings exist compared to the number of people looking for jobs?

There is a shortage of FCS teachers. Nationally, the supply and demand ratio is three job openings for every graduate. In the coming years, many Kansas FCS teachers plan to retire. This means there are - and will be - jobs in Kansas.

Job Placement

Will I get a job in the location where I want to live?

Nationally, job placement for FCS Education graduates is 95 percent. Most graduates will find jobs in the area they most desire to live.


Competent teachers are in demand and are sought by employers. Kansas FCS Education graduates have the reputation of being well prepared to teach. They gain teaching skills and competency through their teacher preparation programs and student teaching experiences.

What do I Give and What do I Get?

You give your skills, knowledge, compassion and heart, and you get an opportunity to make a permanent difference in the lives of youth and adults, satisfaction, joy and the opportunities for creative, demanding, fulfilling work.