Well-Being Classes

Why Well-Being?

In our college, all students are provided with a foundation of knowledge related to well-being. We offer three one-credit courses that provide students with research-based knowledge taught by award winning Health & Human Sciences faculty.

The well-being courses connect students to each other and create a sense of belonging. The courses give students tools and strategies to think about well-being in a way that is of benefit to them now, and in their future.

You and Community

HHS 100: You & Community

Better understand yourself to envision and activate your role in building strong and healthy communities.

Mind and Body

HHS 200: Mind & Body

Harness the power of your mind and body to improve your everyday experience.

Money and Meaning

HHS 300: Money & Meaning

Embrace your future, find greater meaning, and be intentional about the way money interacts with both.

The HHS Well-being classes are required for all HHS students, but are available to any student at Kansas State. In addition, a minor in well-being is offered through the Department of Applied Sciences.

Well-Being Wisdom from HHS Students

Arie Pearson"Through the well-being classes I learned the significance of self-care so that I can be the best version of myself. Prior to these classes I wasn't properly taking care of my body, and through minor changes in my routine, my mental and physical health improved significantly."
Arie Pearson, Personal Financial Planning


Theresa Burg“The wellbeing classes are a wonderful way to think about the factors in your life that are important for physical, social, community, career and financial well-being. Your goals, wants, and decisions for the future can be informed with the guidance of the professors who care deeply for the success and development of their students! The classes encourage research and careful thought about YOU and what will make you happy, comfortable, and healthy.”
Theresa Burg, Kinesiology/Wichita State Nursing Program


The HHS Well-being courses are taught by award winning faculty with expertise in their specific areas of content.

K-State Well-Being Resources

Our courses and the well-being efforts in our college are connected to a broader system of support for student well-being on campus.

Additional resources related to community well-being and other types of support for well-being can be found on the website of the Vice President of Student Life.